Happiness is a good thought yet achieved by a few. I learned so hard how to make that smile beautiful stick on her face like it was forever new. Like dew to grass everymorning. My lips would find her forehead so adorning. That's when her open as the sun keeps dawning. Into my was her safest place, keeping close was my role and place. As she graced me with love each new day, I shuddered to think of the times I was away. An array of sorrow filled my heart and turned my life grey. She walked away and never came back. I wait and lose time's track. Years passed by and I think of you. Love is an emotional state by which I've often been bruised. Confused I lay awake and painful is my state. Pretty isn't the word that can easily describe when she smiles. Beautiful is an understatement yet leaving me in denial. My soul on trial and her heart with care. I long for her beautiful brown eyes for me to once again look into and stare. I welcome death for its my cure, ever since she walked out the door. if I breathe my last and if my soul shall fade. My love story finally ends with peace upon my grave.
Written and composed by
Timothy Justin Rudolph Rodricks