I sit alone and contemplate how things were with me. You stood by darkest years and remained my shield. I am but fortunate to have a mother of two. One was taken to heaven and the other I pray you get well soon. I learned how to pray and kneel before the Lord so real. You taught me how to become a man of principles and kindness with my pride to seal. Your loving nature is so grand I am a man who thanks thee. An aunt to the world you are, but known as a mother, u remain to me. I know you have the strength within as my prayers follow you close. You will always remain my in my heart and I shall forever hold you dearest than most. I know you will recover quickly and this obstacle you will overcome. I may not be your blood and flesh but I am still your son. When Jesus died on the cross he told John ;son behold thy mother'. I know the meaning of the verse. You taught me always love and never ever curse. You explained examples with love and care. You made me feel better and were always their. My childhood wasn't very grand. But you are the one who stood like a mother holding her son's hand. The moments of joy you brought when we'd go shopping every Saturday morning in a market crowded with walking space of fews. The evening would be uncle Jimmy house, with his extra sweet lime juice. The prayers at night and the morning before my school. I now regret moving away and leaving you. I'm sorry I'm not there to help you while you are sick, I'm sorry to hear your voice so feeble as I now cry. I'm sorry not to be there to comfort and hug you to get to better from my side. My prayers are fervent and I know it's always true. Get well aunty Joyce I am praying and know that I love you.
Written and composed by
Timothy Justin Rudolph Rodricks