She walks down the street and everyone stops and stares. As the wind brushes aside her hair to expose her beautiful face. So gentle and so mild, with a smile as all she can do is shy away. She waits for rain and she sits by her window watching the drops of water fall down. She admires the lighting and the thunder makes her despise that sound. She loves the sunshine and yet curses the tan. A woman who hasn't yet had her life planned. She gazes upon the moonlight and counts every star. Her beauty is even admired by the God's so far. Her brown eyes glitter with joy as she gets her heart to beat faster than a drum. When she hears her favorite song is played and being sung. Love, is what she understands and yet seeks for someone to share the same view. She fails to realize there are but only a few. Her face lights up when she gets what she wants. She hates the mornings as she wakes up lonely and that is a feeling that haunts. Her kindness is imminent and her touch is mild. Her gratitude is immensely wild, her trust is broken and her lips are sealed. Her pain is visible but the reason she will never reveal. Her soul is taking her higher than before her desire to love grows. Yet she finds none and looks for another. All that remains is broken dreams and a heart shattered. She chooses the wrong ones who manipulate her like a child. She is left broken to die. Picking up the pieces and placing them together again. Only to watch them broken the same. Tis the truth about her broken heart. With not knowing where it concludes, just aware of where it starts.
Written and composed by
Timothy Justin Rudolph Rodricks